Thursday, January 1, 2009

Dayspring Farm B&B Quilt Retreats

My husband and I have just started a B&B in Victoria, BC, Canada. As a quilter myself, it seemed a natural outcome of this new venture would be weekend quilt retreats. Our website will soon be launched and I will then provide the URL with all the details. In the meantime, check out our fair city through Google and see if you might be tempted to travel out our way to indulge your quilting urges in a beautiful country setting in very nice accommodations.


  1. Hi, welcome to blog land. I found your site at quiltchat. Are you doing Bonnie's mystery? I read your post to my DH. We got a kick out of it. Join Mystery blog ring, I've had a blast.

  2. Hi, yes I am but have yet to post any photos. Maybe tonight! Glad you got a chuckle. I will check out the blog ring too.
