Thursday, October 15, 2020

Thrifty Thursday and UFO Friday

I delivered this quilt and pillow set to my friend/client today and I can hardly wait to get a picture of it in its forever home.

I kept the scraps from the cutting table with my friend’s permission and have a plan in mind .
I discovered a quilt pattern in my book “Scrap Quilt Sensation” by Katharine Guerrero .

The pattern is called Strictly Triangles. I’ve had this book since February 2011 . I was drawn by the vibrant colours. It’s time to actually use my triangle scraps and get this started!

I pulled out my Accuquilt GO cutter and my two sizes of half square triangles . I cut down these scraps into useable triangles to add to the ones I’m collecting in my cupboard for this project. It will be a “Leaders and Enders” quilt which means that while I’m working on a main project, instead of cutting threads at the end of sewing, you insert two pieces that you want to sew together for another project and “sew off” onto them . 

This brilliant idea is from Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville and it explains how she gets so many quilts done with her busy schedule. So I will be also building half square triangle units to be assembled later. Get it? Pure genius right!?

I love scrappy quilts and don’t tend to throw away fabric odds and ends if it is something that I can use in another quilt. My scrap bins are full so the ONLY new project I’m allowing myself as I deal with the last decade’s UFOs is scrap quilts from these bins. This quilt should keep me going for awhile!

I’m also going to pull out my next UFO for personal stitching time (not to be confused with quilting for customers time 🙂 ) This is my own pattern and this will be the fourth colour version I’ve made. The first was traditional Amish black with four other colours, the second one was greens and purple, the third one was black and gold and this one is pinks and greys.

The pattern is available for purchase in my shop

Thanks for stopping by! I’m off to load a customer quilt and today I will also hopefully spend some time cutting down some more scraps from the cutting table for my Strictly Triangles Quilt. What are you working on today?


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