Monday, January 3, 2011

End of Christmas Vacation

My mini at home quilting retreat ends tomorrow.  Here's what I've got to show for my devoted days of sewing:

I love these blocks but it's definitely more week than a weekend effort.  Are my quilting muscles ever sore!  I was so hoping to catch up this weekend.  I'm closer but not totally caught up.  I am very intrigued by the last step coming this Friday.  I have more cutting to do for that step and am hoping the Companion Angle ruler I ordered from Sawyers will be here soon as it's needed for the last units required for the borders.

These are monotonous little blocks!  These are the result of the 600 half-square triangles.  I am very tired of working on this part so I may go and assemble some of the final blocks.  But then again, it's happy hour!  Maybe a glass of wine and some time with the family will give me more unction to finish them.  Sigh...

Until next time,

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