Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Grand Illusion Mystery Quilt from Quiltville 2014 - Clue 2

So far I'm keeping up with the mystery clues as they are released.  I got all 100 broken dishes units done, pressed and stacked into piles of ten and set aside.

This week we got to play with black, white and pink.  It was like enjoying a bag of Licorice Allsorts candy.

Bonnie Hunter always goes the extra mile showing multiple ways of approaching the cutting and piecing.  Clue 2 was no different.  I ended up doing her third piecing option which gave me the opportunity to use my 2 1/2" strip die.  Pictured below is 2 1/2" strips which I cut in pink and black then folded, placed on a 90 degree angle and then passed through the Accuquilt cutter on the 2 1/2" strip die which yielded me a bunch of 2 1/2" squares.  Oh how I love my Accuquilt GO! 

There is often talk about fabric waste using the Accuquilt GO.  I don't think so!

Just a few pieces on the sides.  The rest is all useable, perfectly square 2 1/2" squares.

I also used the Accuquilt GO to cut white strips at 2 1/2" and then used my ruler and rotary cutter to cut them down to the required 2 1/2 x 4 1/2" rectangles.  From there I had to draw the diagonal line on the pink and black squares so they could be added to the rectangles...like this:

Don't they make YOU crave licorice allsorts??

One of the benefits of option 3 of clue 2 (this method) is that you gain some bonus half square triangles.  Here is my growing stack.  I am using them for leaders and enders while constructing the blocks.

They are  stored in a little treasure box that we inherited fro my mother-in-law.  I love this box!

Come to think of it, wouldn't that make a lovely quilt design?  Hmmmmm.

Thank you Bonnie Hunter for another great winter mystery quilt and for the opportunity to join the "Linky" party.  To continue on the journey of reading through the linked articles, click here to go back to Bonnie's post:  http://quiltville.blogspot.ca/2014/12/mystery-monday-link-up-part-2.html

Until Friday...clue 3...I've got 79 units done for clue 2...21 to go.


1 comment:

  1. Love your Pinks Mavis!......... Hoping for Greens next!.....I used to have this same quilt background, forgot how pretty it was..

    Debra in Ma.
