Tuesday, April 17, 2012

North Carolina report

I arrived back home after a whirlwind trip down to North Carolina to visit my dear friends as mentioned in previous post.

One of my desires was to visit the antique shops down there in search of antique quilts.  I even kinda thought one might find its way home with me. But I just wasn't feeling the urge to part with my money.  But I did find about 3 quilts that I loved and settled for these photos:

Lookie, lookie what I found!

Hand pieced and quilted.  Created in Texas about 50 years ago.  Not sure what it's called but loved it!

my friend Michelle holding a double wedding ring quilt.  It was all hand pieced and hand quilted.

and I found this Grandmother's flower garden and settled for a photo of it rather than bringing the quilt home

Then we had 4 wonderful days together before I flew back to the west coast of Canada.  I hope you enjoyed viewing these antique quilts. I sure did!

Michelle loved her birthday quilt and it blessed me so much to make it for her.

Jelly Bean Jubilee !!!

So tired and heading to bed.  I think the jet lag has finally caught up with me.

Until next time,


  1. Glad to hear you had a great visit with your friends... and got in some antique shopping as well!

  2. Looks like it was a great visit.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures of the antique quilts - you were a strong girl to resist such beauties. I really like the flower garden one...
